Thursday, November 08, 2012

How discoverable is the Universe?

You may think this is a ridiculous question, but many scientists and thinking people do not . I don't think they ever have - even now,  today
How does the average laymen interpret the wavering between " we do know " and "we don't know "that actually goes on in trying to answer real questions by real human beings. It seems to me that it is the modern media who like to maintain a level of confusion because amongst scientists the problem is less.

Take a step back in time and lets not presume that,  because of time , "we know more " ( this the dumb game of our age )
Shakespeare used the term disclosure ( The theme of the conference ) to highlight "the hatching thing" ( of the egg) while Spencer , it seems to me, predictably tries to dissect it into it his favourite eggshell bits  of "transforming and venting".

The Bible, it seems to me  is streets ahead of both authors because according to its authors , it is the Creator's choice alone to both disclose and to hide at the very same time and , even , in the very same space and place . Matthew  11:25 ;Luke 19:40-42.Frustratingly logical , both in theory and in practice .

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