Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sustainable reliable renewable power sources

"Sustainable reliable renewable power sources that actually work."
Many in 2018 talk of faith in what mere man can do in the form of new batteries. Lets first talk of what we know - the fact check.
And when we come to what we know on sustainable power sources , who knows really , where to start ?
the ultimate multiverse , ..the friendly carbon chains . the universe ,, the elements,,,,,the sun in their somewhere ,,,,,the phytochromes ,the platelets, the fats , the liver , ATP and glycogen "etc etc etc (" It was King & I day Sunday yesterday)
Talking about possibilities and false faiths , it seem to me that if the god evolution invented all this , the power source would be, like our inventions , as heavy as hell - and not able to fly like we, the birds and the angels can . Elon Musk may well disapppear into the mists,,,,,,,,, from whence he came ?

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