Sunday, September 30, 2007

A truly beautiful family

The members of the periodic table are indeed a very fine family--- by any measure . As you get to know them -you see, it not only shows you what makes them unique and able to share, but also just how wonderfully and efficiently they actually work together.
If you have the privilege ( As a Chemist or Physicist) of being invited into their home, you realise that only an amazing force and genuine fortune could get C,N and O ( let alone all the others ) to live and work so closely together!

From Time Magazine Nov 2006
Francis Collins ( Genome project) : The gravitational constant, if it were off by one part in a hundred million million, then the expansion of the universe after the Big Bang would not have occurred in the fashion that was necessary for life to occur. When you look at that evidence, it is very difficult to adopt the view that this was just chance. But if you are willing to consider the possibility of a designer, this becomes a rather plausible explanation for what is otherwise an exceedingly improbable event--namely, our existence.
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