Monday, December 19, 2022

Who in God's name are you ?

 If we listen to our minds and our own logic , let alone those of us we meet ,we can be expected to be confused .We are after all, only children . 
The thing I like about growing older is that any honor glory and power we seek to attach to ourselves diminishes as the God who came at Bethlehem by his humility, gentle kindness, widom and love  inclines us to seek to honor and glorify the majesty of God. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

What if God does not exist or worse ....doesn't care ?


This of course is a very big question because like all humans ever , it can seem to be that way --- and we don't like it.
. God does not appear in our everyday ( at least in ways we think we would like him to----that's an essay in itself , the genie, the doting mother, the frowning or condemning father, the person who locks all the doors or would  .you add some below )   

THEN those of us who do CARE want an analogy to help us get ourselves and others motivated to CARE MORE................
We may not all  believe in Evil ......but perhaps we should ? 

Nature modelling

 A new perspective is needed , but it needs to be more powerful than the confused messages from nature , the most powerful of which is actually dog eat dog and survival of the fittest .Nature can be very cruel -- something we as humans reject as evil for ourselves. 

Nature modelling /worship, has in the last century alone, justified the greatest of evil . previous to that it kept people in the dark and we know it frm studying who used the idea and how it worked ut in their lives   

That's not logic teaching us , that's experience teaching us .  Are we good learners or desperate and easily deceived  ones ? Evil again ? 

GK Chesterton , provides a closer analogy for consideration  .ie  Nature is our Sister.She is not as some say ..... our Mother . 

Dostoyevsky said that if there is no God,  then everything is permitted and his  testimony circumscribes history and all the history of good will and our attempts to make it  work in the West.  

We can't rid the world of man's evil , but we can fight it down deep where it originates.

 In some ways  we are agreed that dealing with evil is the issue .

And you  the reader , are not alone mate .  Famous believers like JOb and Tevye ( fiddler on roof ) and we could go on --are tempted to blame God 

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