Thursday, August 08, 2019

The relevant facts are those we don't know

I wonder how many decades it will take the sub science worship leaders at the ABC to realize that mere fact checking is likely to hasten dementia death and boxing ourselves up too early and too easily . As Chesterton said ---its not facts that last,  but fancy .
No one,  for example,  understands the contradictions in that concise collection of stories.  ( 66 books limit set around 300 AD - 1500 pages is nothing)
 We acknowledge ( if have half a brain )those books as the framing documents for the West's quite concrete understanding of how law ,history purpose, evil , love and liberty work. I mean if you are serious,  you can live elsewhere under different laws.

Our reactionary friends in the media ( especially) have spent their lives diving into the deep but ordered oceans of the universe with only a complete cynicism of a God of Love and Creator as their guide .Look what else they have found -- in all those decades .Something for all the tyrants and "God doesn't care about individuals " to play with?  Imageo Deo is gone
The result of course has to be bad --- how sad . How sad the reactionaries  have left the world. How much sadder can it get if individual injustices really don't matter ?
Luckily drunks and unhappy persons ( the organisation AA) who don't get taxpayer funded trips to explore don't always buy the comfortable chairs the new comfort zone critics  have created

The doctrine of the TRINITY must takes the cake for incomprehensibility to the petty pedants;
 Three parts to one ; two visible ones you can study, but one you can't see .They call it the wind .    But determinists can't have things we can't see - that is likely to limit their  claims to understanding.
The TRINITY is  impossible in mere facts and maths terms, but it can be a reasonable working paradigm for someone who really wants to explore the universe. some parts seen and ordered , some parts not seen and could enter the picture from any direction or place . 

The logical other possibility too is this
The relevant facts are those we don't know - or have dismissed from our minds ?

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