Tuesday, August 07, 2012

We are alone in the universe -if we think we are?

Whats next in exploring the universe? - the big meet ? when you meet humility you know you are home ? The Curiosity is confronted by mere aluminosilicates , the Voyager light years of empty and our place is producing food ,fantasy and fun every second .
What a great skit is this item 

Sunday, August 05, 2012

How much of the universe is still hidden from us

Why do we humans think we will see everything there is to see ? Surely its rational to suggest that we might not ,or never may see how the particles or fields ever quite interact .So far though its a great journey through a very rationale and discoverable place.
While its great that we are pushing the boundaries of knowledge in these areas and learning how to make lasers and predict more , maybe there are limits .
While no physicists likes to be lumbered with the heavy burden that they are "looking for God ",such misplaced popular notions build the colliders and research centers that keep them in bread.

Interestingly, the science panel on ABC Big Ideas last week seemed to all being be saying that though they have just created a new particle called a boson, its all part of the hidden framework of forces that we can't see; a growing hidden but more ever present framework of neutrinos we can't see !
While i don't think its neccesarily possible to prove where the Creator is,  the present knowledge is clearly no challenge to sound old theology ( omnipresence, omniscience )
I wonder whether "god particle" is just another pathetic attempt to keep God at a distance and put him in a box ( a particle )
Modern quantum physics seems  to say everything is particles in one breath and then say everything is fields .Thank God it all works, I say.

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